Alternative Service Experience Winter Break Scholarship

For the following purposes at Appalachian State University: (1) To provide CEL program development support for local and international community projects and service-learning development as agreed upon by CEL Program Directors; (2) To provide scholarship support to students who are acting as official representatives of the University while involved in service projects and learning activities. Whenever possible, preference for scholarships will be given to students with financial need.

Important Things to Remember:

Leigh Lane Edwards Service-Learning Scholarships must be used within the current academic year.

Scholarships must be used on Community-Engaged Leadership (CEL) sponsored programs only, specifically Alternative Service Experience (ASE).

Scholarships will be applied to student’s university account once student registers for the program of choice.

Scholarships will be rescinded if student drops out of program at any time, fails to complete academic requirements, and/or fails to hold up program expectations, including but not limited to abstaining from the use of drugs or alcohol.

Scholarship recipients will be expected to provide pictures and a post-service experience reflection to CEL that may be used in future promotion of CEL programs.

Scholarship recipients will be notified of their scholarship award prior to ASE Sign Up. Scholarship recipients will be given priority choice for the program they wish to participate in.
