Honor's College Monthly Scholarship Application

The Honors College International Education Scholarship is given exclusively to Honors students who are traveling abroad for a substantial experience (generally a minimum of two weeks) and gaining academic credit. Scholarships typically average $100 per credit hour up to a full-time award of $1200, but can vary based on Honors College resources. Please note that the International Education Scholarship is only awarded one time per student, so students planning to travel abroad more than once should plan accordingly.

Honors College Special Research Grants support student research, scholarship, and creative activity and its public dissemination. This funding can be applied to help meet the costs of equipment, supplies or services for Honors research, scholarship, or creative activity; costs related to travel to collect data, conduct research or creative activity, and/or discriminate results; as well as costs associated with certain internships, service-learning projects, or professional development activities. Note that this funding cannot be applied towards food and beverage expenses, payments to human subjects, gift certificates or gift card purchases, or MTurk or Amazon payments.
